CLIP Tours and CUSD Registration

CLIP Tours are now Open!

Parents/guardians who do not already have a child in CLIP are required to attend a mandatory information meeting and tour. Prior to registering for a CLIP tour online, you need to register at your home school for kindergarten or student assignment for grades 1-8 at the Cupertino Union School District office.  Once you successfully registered your child, you will obtain the necessary information to register for a CLIP tour.
CLIP K-5th grade (Meyerholz Elementary School) Tour Dates:
CLIP tours are from 8:45 - 10:30 AM in the Meyerholz GLC/library.
在報名參加 CLIP 參觀說明會前,註冊幼稚班的家長必須先到你住家指定的學校去完成註冊手續並取得相關的收據來報名CLIP 參觀說明會。或註冊一年級到八年級插班生的家長是到庫市聯合學區辦公室的註冊組去完成註冊手續並取得相關的收據來報名CLIP 參觀說明會。 CLIP 參觀說明會是從早上8:45 到10:30。
CLIP registration link is available.  CLIP 參觀說明會註冊連結
2018/2019 CLIP Tour dates for the school year 2019-2020 are:
預定的CLIP 參觀說明會日期:
Friday, November 9, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Monday, December 10, 2018
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Thursday, January 10, 2019

CLIP 6-8th Grade (Miller Middle School) Tour Date: 
Thursday, December 13, 2018
2019-20學年CLIP 6th-8th參觀說明會報名表
Miller Tour Registration Link
CLIP - Cupertino Language Immersion Program
Link:* Parents who currently have a student enrolled in CLIP K-8 and wish to enroll a sibling do not need to attend a tour but they must bring verification of registration/enrollment to the Miller Middle school office in order to participate in lottery.
* CUSD Employees wishing to enroll their student must attend a tour and must work with the Student Assignment Office in order participate in the lottery.
* New students, please complete the District's "new student registration process" to be assigned a "CUSD Student Permanent ID". More registration information can be found at:
* Before filling out this 6-8th CLIP: Prospective Parent Information Meeting and School Tour form, please have your child's "CUSD Student Permanent ID" ready.
* All CLIP tours start promptly at 11:45 a.m. and last until 1:00 p.m. Please be prepared to attend ENTIRE meeting/tour.
* If you are late to the meeting or leave early, you will not receive credit for attending the meeting/tour.
* The information meeting/tour will be conducted in English.
* Please provide a valid email address. You will receive an email with a confirmation number and additional instructions.
* Information meetings/tours are for parents only, please. No childcare will be provided.
* If you do not receive an email confirming your selected tour date, please choose another browser such as Chrome or Firefox. If you have questions please, email to
* All fields are required.
* 如果您有子女現正就讀於CLIP,您不需要參加此說明會但請務必拿註冊單到Miller 中學辦公室完成手續才能夠參加抽籤。
* CUSD 僱員如對CLIP有興趣,需要參加此說明會而且必需到學區辦公室註冊組去表明要參加抽籤。
* 新生請完成新生報到手續。新生報到手續的資料可在此網站查詢訊息
* 在填此表前,請先準備好學生號碼
* 新學生的家長必須先到庫市聯合學區辦公室去完成註冊手續並取得學生號碼,詳細手續請參考CUSD學區網頁 * 現就讀於CUSD學區的學生,請用CUSD的學生號碼
* 參觀說明會是從早上11:45 到下午1:00,必須全程參與CLIP 參觀說明會
* 任何遲到或早退將使您喪失抽籤資格
* CLIP 參觀說明會將只用英語說明
* 請提供有效的電郵地址,我們將會送一封內含認證號碼及注意事項的確認電郵給您
* CLIP 參觀說明會只允許成年人入場,現場不提供幼兒照顧
* 有任何變更,我們也會用電郵與您聯繫
* 您將會在送出此表格後,五分鐘之內, 收到一封確認電郵,如果您沒收到請更換其他瀏覽器再試一次。如果仍有問題,請電郵至 steele_amy@cusdk8.org查詢.
* 以下的所有問題均須填寫

There are three main enrollment requirements to be eligible for CLIP registration:
    1.  Follow the procedures for general district registration.
    2.  Attend a mandatory CLIP Tour.
    3.  Follow the procedures and meet the deadlines for Open Enrollment for the CLIP program.
Please visit the sites below for specific information and note that the CLIP K-5 tours start in November and run through January.  There is a single CLIP 6-8 tour December 13th."


CLIP 6-8


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