CLIP Tours and CUSD Registration

CLIP Tours are now Open! Parents/guardians who do not already have a child in CLIP are required to attend a mandatory information meeting and tour. Prior to registering for a CLIP tour online, you need to register at your home school for kindergarten or student assignment for grades 1-8 at the Cupertino Union School District office. Once you successfully registered your child, you will obtain the necessary information to register for a CLIP tour. CLIP K-5th grade (Meyerholz Elementary School) Tour Dates: CLIP tours are from 8:45 - 10:30 AM in the Meyerholz GLC/library. 在報名參加 CLIP 參觀說明會前,註冊 幼稚班 的家長必須先到你 住家指定的學校 去完成註冊手續並 取得相關的收據來報名CLIP 參觀說明會。或註冊 一年級到八年級插班生 的家長是到 庫市聯合學區辦公室的註冊組 去完成註冊手續並 取得相關的收據來報名CLIP 參觀說明會。 CLIP 參觀說明會是從早上8:45 到10:30。 CLIP registration link is available. CLIP 參觀說明會註冊 連結 。 2018/2019 CLIP Tour dates for the school year 2019-2020 are: 預定的CLIP 參觀說明會日期: Friday, November 9, 2018 Wednes...