Letter from the President
Dear CLIP Families,

On behalf of CLIPCO, I want to welcome you to the new school year. And to our kinder parents and new families, a special welcome to you! My name is Sylvia Leong, and I am the new CLIPCO president for 2017-18. This is my ninth year in CLIP - my older child just graduated from the CLIP program, and my younger child is starting her 7th grade year at Miller. I remember when our son got into CLIP, we felt like we literally won the lottery! Our family has had an amazing journey through CLIP, and it's my hope that you will have a great experience as well.
As you begin this new school year, I want to share personally with you two things that have helped me and my family make the most of our time in CLIP.
1) Don't do it alone. Being a part of a bilingual program is both an opportunity and a challenge. Our students receive more education, and more is expected of them. It requires additional time and effort for the student and the family. Get to know the other parents in your class, share resources and knowledge. If you are not Mandarin speakers, connect with Mandarin-speaking parents who can help you when there's homework you don't understand. If this is your first time in an American school setting, reach out to other parents who can help you navigate the American school system. You'll find that not only will your child make friends in this program that he or she will keep for life, but you'll also make wonderful friendships as well.
2) Get involved. CLIP was started by parents, and over its 20 year history, CLIP has become an amazing program. Whether its volunteering in the classroom or joining a CLIPCO subcommittee, there are many opportunities to strengthen the program and get to know teachers, administrators, and other families. CLIP is proud to be hosted at two great schools, Meyerholz and Miller, and both schools offer many resources for a rich academic and extracurricular life for your child. Whether your involvement is with CLIPCO, CLIP Advisory Committee (CAC), PTA, School Site Council, or other school group, your involvement makes the CLIP program and our schools better for everyone.
For families new to CLIP, I encourage you to join our email groups, to keep up to date with CLIP-related information. There is a yahoo-group for each grade level. For returning families, if your email has changed, please let us know so we can update the yahoo groups. Contact clipco@cusdclipco.org with your name, child's name and grade and email address to be added to the group.
We will have a CLIPCO table at Meyerholz Back to school night. Drop by and say hello! I'm looking forward to a great school year and I hope you are too!
Sylvia Leong
CLIPCO President
我謹代表CLIPCO歡迎您來到新的學年。特別是對我們的幼稚園朋友和新家庭,歡迎您們! 我的名字是Sylvia Leong,在2017-18年度担任新的CLIPCO總裁。 這是我參與CLIP的第九個年頭 - 我的大兒子剛從CLIP計劃畢業,而我的小女兒將在Miller初中開始她的七年級。 我記得當我們的兒子能進入CLIP時,我們真的覺得像是中了彩票! 我們的家人通過CLIP有個非常奇妙的旅程,我希望您們也有一個美好的經驗。
我謹代表CLIPCO歡迎您來到新的學年。特別是對我們的幼稚園朋友和新家庭,歡迎您們! 我的名字是Sylvia Leong,在2017-18年度担任新的CLIPCO總裁。 這是我參與CLIP的第九個年頭 - 我的大兒子剛從CLIP計劃畢業,而我的小女兒將在Miller初中開始她的七年級。 我記得當我們的兒子能進入CLIP時,我們真的覺得像是中了彩票! 我們的家人通過CLIP有個非常奇妙的旅程,我希望您們也有一個美好的經驗。
1)不要孤軍作戰。參與在雙語課程既是個機會,也是一個挑戰。 我們的學生既接受了更多教育,就會對他們有更多的期望。對學生和家庭,你都需要投入更多的時間和精力。所以請和你班上的其他家長多有溝通,以便分享資源和知識。 如果你不講普通話,可以和說普通話的父母聯繫;當學校有你不懂的家庭作業時,他們可以幫助你。 如果這是您第一次參與美國學校,請和其他可以幫助您導航美國學校系統的家長聯繫。 你會發現,你的孩子不僅會在這個方案中交到能夠一生繼續保持友誼的朋友,你也可以和其他家長發展出美好的友誼。
2)主動參與。 CLIP是由父母開始的,在其20年的歷史中,CLIP已經發展為一個不同凡響的方案。 無論是自願參加課堂活動,還是加入一個CLIPCO小組委員會,都能有很多機會加強課程,並認識教師,管理人員和其他家庭。 CLIP很榮幸的能在兩所了不起的學校Meyerholz和Miller舉行,而這兩所學校都為您的孩子提供了豐富的學術和課外活動的資源。 無論您是否參與了CLIPCO,課程諮詢委員會(CAC),PTA,校址委員會,或其他學校小組,您的參與使得CLIP計劃和我們的學校對所有人都更好。
您的CLIPCO評分代表將在Back-to-school Night (回校之夜) 與您交談並收集聯繫信息。 如果您還沒有做,我建議您加入我們的電子郵件組,以及時了解與CLIP相關的信息。
在回校之夜,我們將在Meyerholz擺一張CLIPCO桌子。請過來打個招呼! 我期待著一個精采的學年,希望你也是!
Sylvia Leong
在回校之夜,我們將在Meyerholz擺一張CLIPCO桌子。請過來打個招呼! 我期待著一個精采的學年,希望你也是!
Sylvia Leong
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