Teacher Spotlight - Instructional Assistant Jenny Chu

Every month we will feature a current student, teacher or alumni from CLIP to showcase on our blog. If you are interested in being featured, contact web@cusdclipco.org . First, can you talk a bit about your background? I finished my Master’s degree in Chinese Literature at National Taiwan Normal University. When I first came to Silicon Valley in 1994, I worked as a semiconductor layout designer. I used CAD tools to draw the circuit layouts. I did this job for about 8 years, but because I had two little kids at that time, I decided to quit my job and spent more time taking care of my family. Now, my daughter just received her Master’s degree from Columbia University and works in New York as a social worker. My son is a junior at UC Berkeley. My children are grown up, so I decided to reenter the workforce. I liked to use my original education in teaching background this time. I heard from my friend about this Clip IA job opportunity, so I gave it a try. This is m...