Volunteer Spotlight - Nikki Tan

Every month we will feature a current student, teacher or alumni from CLIP to showcase on our blog. If you are interested in being featured, contact web@cusdclipco.org . Who are you? My name is Nikki Tan - I work as an insurance broker in SF, but I try to spend as much time as I can with my kids at their numerous activities. I'm a mom of 4, all of whom are at Meyerholz - 5th, 4th, 3rd and Kinder. I've been a part of CLIP since my oldest was in kinder, so I’ve been in the program almost 6 years. What volunteer role do you have in CLIP currently? What roles, if any, have you had in the past? The 2017-18 year is my 2nd year as the ASEP Co-Director. I was previously served on the CLIPCO Board as the 2nd and 3rd grade class rep. Tell us about ASEP. Why did you decide to volunteer in this role? The ASEP Co-director position pretty much fell in my lap. My kids have been a part of ASEP for the last 5 years and I am grateful and appr...